Hello! I’m Jared. I’m a first-year PhD student at the UW Paul G. Allen School. I am a part of the Makeability Lab, advised by Jon Froehlich, working to make cities more sustainable, accessible, and equitable.

Previously, I worked as a Software Engineer at Amazon. I got my M.S. in CS at the University of Southern California, and before that my B.S. in Physics and CS at Tufts University.

My research interests lie in data management, applied ML, and urban informatics. Specifically:

  • 📝 Tools for managing raw data
    • How can we bridge the gap between collecting data and using it?
  • 💡 Using ML to extract insight
    • How can ML/computation help us extract more value out of our data?
    • How can ML lead us to results that would have taken longer to reach without ML?
  • 🚞 Building better cities
    • City design impacts our lives in fundamental ways we may not realize: accessibility, sustainability, equity, etc.
    • How can we use ML/computational methods to extract insight about our cities and how humans live?
    • How can this insight guide us in designing better cities?

Check out my Research and CV to see how my interests got to where they are now.

Recent news

[09/2024] I start my PhD at UW!

[12/2023] Our paper was accepted to NeuRIPS 2023! Check it out here

Other fun things

Page updated September 2024.