Posts by Collection


Why Urban Planning is Important to Me


This is an essay I wrote as part of my graduate applications on how I came to the realization that urban planning is one of the most impactful factors affecting our lives, and how it slips under our radars.





Isotope Decay at Rest Experiment (IsoDAR)


Developing a simulation code from the ground up for Radio Frequency Quadrupoles (RFQs). Designed to support existing simulation infrastructure, accurately simulate space-charge (interaction between charged particles), and parallelization. Faster and more scientifically accurate than existing alternatives!

Machine Learning for the Digital Typhoon Dataset


Preparing, publishing, and using the Digital Typhoon Dataset for machine learning. The dataset is the longest typhoon satellite image dataset available. We developed ways to interact with the dataset for ML, and performed benchmarks in analysis, reanalysis, and forecasting.



Machine Structure and Assembly Language Programming, COMP40, Undergraduate TA

Undergraduate core course, Tufts University

Fall 2018, Fall 2019

TA for ∼120 students. Held weekly office hours; graded exams and assignments. Syllabus here (link may not be active at time of access).

Programming Languages, COMP105, Undergraduate TA

Undergraduate core course, Tufts University

Spring 2020

TA for ∼100 students. Graded exams and assignments. Held weekly office hours. Syllabus here.

Multimedia Systems Design, CSCI576, Graduate TA

Graduate course, University of Southern California

Fall 2022

TA for ~200 students. Held weekly office hours, wrote homework and exam questions. Graded assignments and exams. Syllabus here.